WHAT IS SELF WORTH? Let’s discuss. Tell me what you think self-worth is. Let’s divide the word into 2 and we’ll have SELF and WORTH. Self means an individual person as an object of his own reflective consciousness, and Worth means, in a nutshell, value. So we can say a lady’s Self-worth is the value a lady places on herself as an individual. It’s important to know that you are the only one who determines your worth, no one else can. People around you will want to downgrade or depreciate your value by their actions or their words, but it’s your responsibility to always keep your self-worth up. 

The following quotes will help us:
·         A lady cannot think of being acceptable to others until she has first proven she is acceptable to herself – adapted from Malcolm X
·         Love yourself first and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world - Lucille Ball
·         It is difficult to make someone miserable while she feels worthy of herself – Adapted from Abraham Lincoln
·         When we seek validation in wrong places for the wrong reasons, it causes all kinds of problems.

So this brings us to this question, If my self-worth as a lady is not between my legs, where is it?
·         It’s in your Creator, God. In His eyes, you are perfect and the best example of a complete female. He sees you as a super-girl despite all your flaws and shortcomings. When you see yourself as God sees you, your self-worth gets a boost.
·         Your self-worth is in your person. The word YOU has 3 letters and they stand for Your Own Uniqueness. So it’s your duty to discover your uniqueness, your talents, your gifts, and believe in yourself. Then work hard to be the best you can be based on these discoveries.
·         Your self-worth is in your character. Your character is a sum total of your habits, your values, your tastes, your choices. The better your character, the greater your self-worth.
·         Your self-worth is in your dreams. Your dream family, your dream job, your dream life and so on. To have no dreams, is to have no value. Dream big and go for your dreams. So you see, your value is not between your legs but between your ears and in your heart.
·         Your self-worth is in your contribution. Your value increases with the contributions you make to the lives of people around you. You can’t just live for yourself alone and expect people to value you. Decide to be a giver, a helper, a mentor and a leader and watch your self-worth multiply daily.