Just as all
decisions about what kinds or colors of underwear you like are personal
ones, so are ones about what kind of period underwear you should wear
during your period.
girls like to wear their oldest, least favorite pair when they're
having their period, just in case something happens and they get a stain
on them. Others prefer to wear their newest, most favorite pair during
that time of month because they say it helps make them feel fresh and
you're a tampon wearer and you're concerned about stains on your
underwear on heavy days of your period, you may want to consider wearing
a pantiliner to help keep you feeling fresh.
your period catches you by surprise and you get a stain on your period
underwear, remember that COLD water and salt work best for getting out
blood stains. Then wash with your favorite detergent.
your choice is, make sure that your period underwear is the right size,
especially if you're wearing a pad. Your underwear is what helps keep
your pad in the right place, and if your underwear is too big or old and
no longer has elasticity, there's a bigger chance that it won't. Use
this guide to learn how to properly use a pad and avoid leaks: